Thursday 6 September 2012

In Focus: Mama-to-be, Part 3

Welcome to our third installment of In Focus: Mama-to-be! In today's post we are featuring Jen from Long Island, New York, USA.  Jen and her husband are expecting their second child in the new year.

N&N: Congratulations on your pregnancy! How many weeks along are you?
Jen: Thanks! 22 weeks

N&N: Have you experienced any morning sickness with this pregnancy?
Jen: I've experienced EVERYTHING with this pregnancy. Lots of nausea, exhaustion, and worst of all, horrible dizzy spells that have already caused three episodes of almost fainting. Even at this point in my pregnancy I can't be on my feet for too long or I totally feel like I'm going to pass out. Weird!

N&N: What are your cravings or aversions (if any)?
Jen: I have craved tomatoes with oil and vinegar, salt and pepper. Especially the ones out of my mother-in-law's garden. SO GOOOD!!! Now I want one! I've also craved cheese omelettes. Yes, I know I'm a boring preggo, my husband can't believe I'm not downing cartons of ice cream. As for aversions, the smell of laundry detergent is killing me! I can smell people's clothes from a mile away. Sadly, my worst aversion is my mother-in-law's meatballs. She's from Italy. I swear her meatballs are the greatest thing ever, and I cannot bear to smell them or eat them.

N&N: Have you found your current pregnancy different from your first? Are you feeling better or worse?
Jen: This pregnancy is the polar opposite of my first. With my first, I never felt sick, had aversions, and had so much energy. This pregnancy has hit me like a ton of bricks.

N&N: What are the challenges of being a mom to an exuberant toddler while pregnant?
Jen: Trying to keep him stimulated and not fall into just throwing on tv for him...which there are days I've had to put Yo Gabba Gabba on so I could rest. But all in all I try to keep him learning and have lots of activities.  All this while trying to follow doctor's orders of resting as much as possible.  Thankfully at 19 months he still takes two solid naps a day so I'm able to rest.

N&N: What are your go-to items for getting dressed in the morning?
Jen: In a pinch I always throw on black leggings and an extra long tank top, with a cardigan draped over it. I can't just stay in pajamas all morning. I have to feel like I pulled myself together at least a little bit! I also love my Paige maternity skinny jeans - they were a bit of a splurge but they look and fit GREAT. I wear them with a drapey, slouchy t-shirt and ballet flats - that's pretty much my uniform of choice. Even not pregnant, my clothing is usually the jeans-and-t-shirt-with-flats look. It's comfy and looks good.

N&N: Have you altered your beauty routine during this pregnancy?
Jen: I'm a makeup artist so I alter my beauty routine all the time, pregnant or not! This pregnancy I've  had to focus on hydrating my skin big time...I bought the Clinique Moisture Surge Extra Thirsty Skin moisturizer and use it with the Clinique All About Eyes Rich eye cream. They have been lifesavers! Also I started using an illuminating primer - the one by Laura Mercier.  It makes a difference and makes my skin glow big time. As for makeup, I wear makeup on a daily basis - so that hasn't changed at all.

N&N: Will you be finding out gender?
Jen: Already did - it's a girl! Everyone I explained my crazy symptoms to told me it was because I was having a girl and she was kicking my ass. They were absolutely right. Haha.

N&N: What, in your opinion, are staples for any woman building her maternity wardrobe?
Jen: Definitely a pair of leggings, jeans, long tank tops (I love the Gap maternity tanks), cardigans, a blazer, and maybe a dress or two. I also advise new expectant moms to build their maternity wardrobe slowly. Your body will change so much that its better to get what you need when you need it. I also found that when you're shopping for maternity clothes, BUY YOUR PRE PREGNANCY SIZE - DO NOT SIZE UP OR YOU WILL LOOK BIGGER! Also, pregnant women should never underestimate the power of accessories. Scarves, bracelets, earrings...can make all the difference.

N&N: What kind of clothing, gear or accessories are absolute necessities for baby?
Jen: Carter's white onesies and the Sleep-N-Play footie pj's are THE BEST! They wash well and are all my son wore the first few months. Also for boys, I love all the clothes from Baby Gap. But they're expensive so I always wait for the sales. For gear - Aden + Anais swaddle blankets I am obsessed with, we use them for so much more than swaddling. My son loved his Skip-Hop activity mat, we used that all the time! And the Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper was definitely a great thing for baby to sleep or hang out in.

N&N: What items did you find unnecessary or end up not using?   
Jen: The bottle sterilizer machine. We just always boiled water and sterilized that way. Plus, I nursed and pumped exclusively for 8.5 months and we had so many more bottles than we ever needed. Even when we started supplementing one bottle of formula a day, we never needed as many bottles as we thought we did.

N&N: What have been your favourite moments about being pregnant? Not-so-favourite?
Jen: Feeling the baby move is by far my favorite part of pregnancy. Also every sonogram is great, it's so much fun to see the baby grow. Not so favourite?? The doctors office waiting room! It's always a 45 minute wait at the minimum. It's worth it though, my OB's are incredible and take their time with you (hence the long wait time).

N&N: How have you prepared for baby's arrival? (Setting up nursery, buying baby gear, etc.)
Jen: Oh my God, we haven't done anything yet! We just moved into a house so things are sort of crazy at the moment. I guess doing this the second time around I'm not such a planner anymore - I totally plan to breastfeed again, so as far as I know, as long as the baby's fed and diapered, we'll be fine : ) I'll buy clothes closer to my due date, which is January 6.

N&N: Many thanks to Jen! Wishing you a healthy and safe delivery and a lifetime of happiness with your new baby girl! 

If you are a pregnant mama and are interested in being featured in an installment of In Focus: Mama-to-be, kindly send an email to

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