Saturday 23 June 2012

Life as we know it...

As June winds down to a close, our homeschooling is slowing coming to an end. Finishing up homeschool for the school year lacks the kind of pomp and circumstance you'd find at a kindergarten graduation ceremony; it's also sorely lacking in the cap and gown department.  That being said, my children have worked incredibly hard the past six months, and I am so proud of their abilities to cooperate with each other as well as to learn independently.  I feel like we are a product of our experiences, and A+F seem to always want to vacuum up knowledge, to ask more questions than we are able to answer, to work on just one more art project for the afternoon... As such, we are going to throw a little party for them, complete with certificates, snacks and applause, to congratulate them on being such wonderful students and to thank them for all of their hard work since we arrived in Austin.

Making + shaping moon dough

June 20th marked the Summer Solstice (or Midsummer) and we celebrated by doing a simple craft.  The children traced around a large, circular flower pot and around their hands as well. After cutting out the various components, we then took their handprints and attached them to the back of the circles to make the sun's rays.  We hung all of the suns they made from the windows and on the walls, then sang songs to celebrate the official arrival of summer. We quite enjoy celebrating all of the seasons together, and it reminded us of the fun we had during our Moon Festival last year.

With less than 3 weeks until baby#3 is expected to arrive, we are adding the final touches. I've already started to dilate a bit, something that is apparently quite normal and expected at this point, and we've been warned that baby might make his debut before his due date. I've responded to this by making sure to have the house as close to in order as possible every evening, so that if I do go into labour, at least things will be tidy and easy to find! This is of course easier said than done, but a house without clutter means that my mind is clear and I can breathe in deeply. We have also succeeded in getting A+F into an earlier bedtime schedule- we will definitely take our small triumphs where we can get them!

Here is some recent belly progress (although I do believe the belly has dropped a bit since this photo):

And some new artwork to adorn the wall above baby's crib...

Prints purchased from our favourite Etsy shop, Trafalgar Square

Precious sibling moments with best friends, A+F...

Granny Smith apples, aviators and my sweet boy's big-time antics in the produce section...

An afternoon taking impromptu photos with my lovely little girl...

Hope this finds you relaxed and enjoying the fine weather. Happy Summer to all!
**The shop is currently on vacation. Niko & Nonnie will return for business on August 15th.**


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