Friday 29 June 2012

Friday Favourites...

Here I am, bellying up (literally) to a feast on a recent trip to Salt Lick BBQ 

Hello readers!

A bit of news today to share with you on this fine Friday afternoon. Although I have closed the shop until August 15th, I have taken a bit of time to re-do Niko & Nonnie's main website. Please stop by to have a look at all of the streamlined changes. Overall, I am rather happy about the look and feel of the site, so the only thing now is to iron out the mini-glitches that I am detecting on mobile and tablet devices. We'll get there!

Secondly, I'd like to begin 'Friday Favourites' on the blog, most known in the Twittersphere as 'Follow Fridays' or #FF. On Fridays I'll be sharing my favourite moments of the week - pictures, events, design inspiration, things that make me smile, think, analyse, fall in love... I'm hoping to blog a bit more often in the coming days; given my current stats, it seems baby's arrival is very imminent and writing always keeps me focused (and distracted!)

So without further ado...Friday Favourites.

#1. Obama's signature Affordable Care Act is upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States. The swing vote in the 5-4 decision? Shockingly, conservative Chief Justice Roberts. I'd say that hell had frozen over and pigs were flying outside my windows, but it's still hot as heck here in Texas and the only pigs are in the bbq pits. In any case, this is absolutely huge news, and a grand triumph for the Obama administration on the road to re-election this November. Put a sock in it, Mitt Romney. The SCOTUS has spoken.

#2. There has been a bit of hard news lately, particularly the number of friends I know facing some pretty horrifying challenges. I present here the links for two blogs, each one having to do with struggling to beat cancer. I am so grateful to my friends for putting their emotions into words and for sharing their journeys with the world. Please show them your support and add these blogs to your roster of weekly reads.

#3. Canada Day is coming up in just a couple of days...and my second home and (not native) land is turning 145 years young! Oh Canada - how we do miss and adore you! For Canada Day celebrations on Parliament Hill, across the Capital region or across the country please visit Patrimoine Canadien-Canadian Heritage.

Two of my favourite fellow Canadians, Oct. 2008

#4. In honour of the upcoming Fourth of July, what better than Salt Lick BBQ - Dripping Springs, TX

#5. Who says it can't be done? This car-less mother of six proves there is never any impediment to going green!

Til next time.

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